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Owned and Operated


Patagonia is a global company with a global footprint. We own and operate offices in the United States, the Netherlands, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Chile and Argentina. We also operate two distribution centers—our facilities where we receive goods from factories in the US and overseas—and more than 70 Patagonia stores worldwide.

In comparison to the footprint of our full supply chain, the emissions associated with our owned-and-operated facilities are much lower. For example, the carbon footprint of our own facilities is only 2% of our total footprint. Because we have much more control over our owned facilities, we are committed to cleaning up our own house before asking others to follow suit.

Where We Are

As of 2022, we are at 100% renewable electricity in the United States and 76% globally, achieved through both on-site and off-site installations. In the US, we have on-site installations at our Reno, Nevada, and Ventura, California, campuses and have installed more than 1.5 megawatts of renewable power. We’ve also funded more than 1,000 solar arrays on residential homes across the country. Worldwide, we have installed over 600 kilowatts of solar panels cantilevered over farmland, which allows the cultivation of sun and crops, and we are currently investigating additional renewable investments in countries where we own and operate offices and stores.

While we focus a lot on investing in renewables, we also work hard to lessen our demand for energy in the first place.

Our responsible building principles push us to design, create and operate buildings in a way that minimizes the need for energy, such as using daylight-design features.

Our greenhouse gas emissions footprint for shipping (both inbound and outbound) is around 4% of our total emissions footprint.

To reduce our transportation footprint, we are increasing the use of drop-shipping (a way of shipping directly from factories to international distribution centers), minimizing the need for inbound air shipments and reducing the need for two-day shipping options for customers. We have also opened our East Coast Distribution Center in Pennsylvania, allowing us to reach 95% of the US in three days without using air shipping.

To limit the waste we create in our owned-and-operated facilities, we are installing composting systems at all facilities; phasing out single-use plastics in our purchasing practices, café and stores; training our employees on zero-waste initiatives; digitizing our entire accounting and payroll processes; installing waste stations and proper signage so employees accurately sort trash, recycling and compost materials; recycling all our scrap surfboard foam; ensuring all visual merchandising materials are recyclable and working to minimize material use and increase modularization.

In our owned-and-operated facilities, our water footprint is relatively small and mostly comes from basic functions like sinks or toilets or rinsing off our wetsuits after surfing.

We capture all the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning condensation at one of our California facilities, which we then use to water all the plants on-site. To further limit our water usage, we prioritize low-flow toilets, faucets and showers, and we plant native and drought-tolerant species.

At our main campus in Ventura, we also installed a bioswale, which captures rain and stormwater runoff and naturally filters it before it heads out to the ocean.

Being a Responsible Company
We are faced with everyday decisions on how best to make environmental choices. Here are some principles that we use to help guide these decisions and move us toward our goal of creating no unnecessary harm through our business operations.

Preferable Purchasing Principles
Responsible Service Provider Principles
Building Principles
Paper Procurement and Use Policy
Packaging and Merchandising Principles
Post-Consumer Recycling Strategy and Upcycling Policy

What’s Next

Our goal is to switch to 100% renewable electricity in our global owned-and-operated facilities by the end of 2022. By 2025, we plan to be a zero-waste-to-landfill company. Becoming zero-waste means that almost everything that leaves our doors will go to recycling or compost—not the landfill. There will always be some outlier materials that we can’t find a home for, but we are actively minimizing their use. To do so, we will have to change many of our operations, purchasing practices and behaviors.

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