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Laxaþjóð | A Salmon Nation

Unsere Beziehung zur Natur definiert nicht nur unsere Geschichte, sondern prägt auch unsere Zukunft. Doch unter der Oberfläche der Fjorde Islands droht eine Methode der industriellen Fischzucht einen der letzten verbliebenen Orte der Wildnis in Europa zu zerstören. „Laxaþjóð | A Salmon Nation“ erzählt die Geschichte von Island, das durch sein Land und seine Gewässer vereint ist. Und von dem Einfluss einer Community, die diesen besonderen Ort und seine wilden Tiere schützen möchte, die entscheidend zu seiner Identität beigetragen haben.

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Workwear Stories

Donnie Hedden
Bringing Back the Light with Redd Fish Restoration
Photo: Jeremy Koreski
Bringing Back the Light with Redd Fish Restoration

Forest and river restoration work fueled by a love for wild salmon. For British Columbia’s timber barons, the forests of Vancouver Island were too rich to resist: giant spruce, fir and red cedar trees that fetched top dollar on the open market. On the island’s remote and rain-soaked Pacific coast, mechanized logging kicked into high…

3 Min. Lesezeit
Workwear Video Series: Farmer and Agronomist Heather Darby
Dr. Heather Darby harvests corn by hand at Borderview Research Farm. Alburgh, Vermont. Photo: Colin McCarthy
Workwear Video Series: Farmer and Agronomist Heather Darby

As the seventh generation of her family to farm the same land, working from sunup to sundown comes naturally to Heather Darby. The fourth profile in our Workwear series takes a look at the perpetual motion required to be both a research agronomist at the University of Vermont and the backbone of a 200-year-old, certified…

1 Min. Lesezeit
Net to Table: Su Salmon Co.
Mike Wood is the co-founder of Su Salmon Co. and the volunteer president of the Susitna River Coalition. Photo: Travis Rummel
Net to Table: Su Salmon Co.
Ryan Peterson

Mike Wood’s last name is a wholly appropriate coincidence of birth. He’s got a fetish for the stuff. When building his off-the-grid log home masterpiece on the banks of Alaska’s Susitna River, he’d range out into the surrounding boreal forest, select each perfect tree, hug it at the chest in solemn ceremony and then gleefully…

3 Min. Lesezeit
Helping Hands in the High Desert
Helping Hands in the High Desert
Helping Hands in the High Desert

Doing the Dirty Work with the Oregon Natural Desert Association

4 Min. Lesezeit
Sawdust Is My Glitter: The Story of Blind Craftsman John Furniss
Sawdust Is My Glitter: The Story of Blind Craftsman John Furniss
Sawdust Is My Glitter: The Story of Blind Craftsman John Furniss
Jeff McElroy

Editor’s note: This post discusses anxiety and suicide. In a humble workshop in Washougal, Washington, a blind craftsman holds a locally harvested log that he has made into a blank with his miter saw. He turns it in his hands to feel its shape and weight. He measures and marks, measures and marks. A flick…

7 Min. Lesezeit
What the Trees Know: Solving the Mystery of Colorado’s Record Avalanche Season
What the Trees Know: Solving the Mystery of Colorado’s Record Avalanche Season
What the Trees Know: Solving the Mystery of Colorado’s Record Avalanche Season
Laura Yale

In 2019, after a record Colorado avalanche season bulldozed millions of trees, a team of avalanche experts rallied to collect as much information as possible from these 300-year-old keepers of time.

7 Min. Lesezeit
Butler Farms
Butler Farms
Butler Farms

Auf einer Familienfarm im Bourbon County, Kentucky, ist eine alte Kulturpflanze zurückgekehrt.

So, You Want to Be a Regenerative Hemp Farmer?
So, You Want to Be a Regenerative Hemp Farmer?
So, You Want to Be a Regenerative Hemp Farmer?
Doug Fine

A bona fide American hemp farmer/entrepreneur shares his stash.

11 Min. Lesezeit
Sew-cial Distancing
Sew-cial Distancing
Sew-cial Distancing

Making face masks in the time of COVID-19: when “breathable face fabric” takes on a whole new meaning.

5 Min. Lesezeit
Working Through It
Working Through It
Working Through It
Jeff McElroy

Some farmers, anglers and chefs are providing food for their communities during the time of COVID-19.

11 Min. Lesezeit
Bound for Dory
Bound for Dory
Bound for Dory
Jeff McElroy

A colorful tradition of building and running Grand Canyon dory boats is passed to the next generation.

9 Min. Lesezeit
All the Hemp That Fits
All the Hemp That Fits
All the Hemp That Fits
Jeff McElroy

Patagonia has 73 styles using hemp this season. Cultivation of hemp replenishes vital soil nutrients, prevents erosion and requires no synthetic fertilizer.

4 Min. Lesezeit
If I Had a Hammer
If I Had a Hammer
If I Had a Hammer
Jeff McElroy

Who made the first hammer, the thing that’s used to make other things? For blacksmiths, it starts with the forge—and it’s hammers all the way down.

4 Min. Lesezeit
Bison Hide
Bison Hide
Bison Hide
Jeff McElroy

Two Patagonia styles this season use bison hide. Grazing bison help restore prairie ecosystems, whereas grazing cattle can damage native grasses.

4 Min. Lesezeit
Transplanting Traditions
Transplanting Traditions
Transplanting Traditions
Jonnah Perkins

On a small farm outside Minneapolis, Minnesota, a farmer takes a regenerative approach to keeping his community fed.

8 Min. Lesezeit
El Rito Santero
El Rito Santero
El Rito Santero
Jeff McElroy

Nicholas Herrera brings new life to old things on his ancestral homestead in El Rito, New Mexico.

5 Min. Lesezeit
Bring Hemp Home: Colorado
Bring Hemp Home: Colorado
Bring Hemp Home: Colorado
Jeff McElroy

In Colorado’s San Luis Valley, two farmers are growing industrial hemp to improve their topsoil—and their bottom line—as they face worsening drought.

6 Min. Lesezeit
Bring Hemp Home: Colorado
Bring Hemp Home: Colorado
Bring Hemp Home: Colorado

Im San Luis Valley in Colorado führt die zunehmende Dürre dazu, dass die Landwirte ihre Existenzgrundlage verlieren können. Zwei Landwirte setzen auf eine trockenheitstolerante Nutzpflanze – Industriehanf.

The High Life
The High Life
The High Life
Jeff McElroy

Rock-climber blade techs keep the wind turbines turning, with gusto.

2 Min. Lesezeit
¡Échale ganas!
¡Échale ganas!
¡Échale ganas!
Nathan Harkleroad

Only 4 percent of US farm owners are Hispanic. Mexican immigrant and organic farmer Javier Zamora is working to change the narrative.

5 Min. Lesezeit
Hasta La Raiz
Hasta La Raiz
Hasta La Raiz

Wie können hispanische Landarbeiter zu Farmbesitzern werden? Der mexikanische Einwanderer Javier Zamora war von seinem Elternhaus her ohnehin an Arbeitstage von Sonnenaufgang bis Sonnenuntergang gewöhnt – er brauchte nur etwas Unterstützung von seiner Gemeinde.

Sowing Trust
Sowing Trust
Sowing Trust
Jonnah Perkins

How can an organic farmer with no successor make sure the farm will end up in good hands? Paul Bickford started his search in an unexpected place.

6 Min. Lesezeit
Biking Bread
Biking Bread
Biking Bread
Jeff McElroy

In San Luis Obispo, California, a team of bakers is building community by “pedaling” their wares.

5 Min. Lesezeit
The Forever Ranch
The Forever Ranch
The Forever Ranch
Louise Johns

Learning to coexist with the wild in Montana’s Tom Miner Basin.

6 Min. Lesezeit
Shaped by Clay
Shaped by Clay
Shaped by Clay
Athena Steen

A Puebloan tradition is passed to the next generation.

4 Min. Lesezeit
Raised from Earth
Raised from Earth
Raised from Earth

Mit Blick auf die zimtfarbenen Canelo Hills in Southern Arizona gibt eine Mutter eine alte Pueblo-Tradition des natürlichen Lehmbaus an ihre drei Söhne weiter.

Sons of Sacred Mountains
Sons of Sacred Mountains
Sons of Sacred Mountains
Chef Nephi Craig

In Western Apacheria, a tradition of cooking in the ground endures.

5 Min. Lesezeit

„Ich möchte, dass wir Holzhandwerkerinnen und Tischlerinnen sind. Ich möchte nicht, dass wir einfach als ‚Frauen, die ein Handwerk ausüben‘ bezeichnet werden."

Tough by Nature
Tough by Nature
Tough by Nature
Leslie Hittmeier

Women make up less than five percent of US carpenters by trade. Some tradeswomen are changing the narrative, one dovetail joint at a time.

8 Min. Lesezeit
The Forever Chemicals
The Forever Chemicals
The Forever Chemicals
Beth Schiller

This story was supposed to be about a thriving, women-led organic farm in Maine. Then came news of the ”forever chemicals.”

5 Min. Lesezeit
Restoring Paradise
Restoring Paradise
Restoring Paradise
Joel Caldwell

A road trip through California’s worst drought in 1,200 years, and the folks working to restore broken ecosystems and rewild lost landscapes.

16 Min. Lesezeit
A Man, Mud and Methane
A Man, Mud and Methane
A Man, Mud and Methane
Brooke MacMillan

A look inside Delta Brick & Climate Company, where doing is undoing.

6 Min. Lesezeit
Home to Limuw
Home to Limuw
Home to Limuw
Alan Salazar

A 50-year odyssey.

7 Min. Lesezeit

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