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Trailrunning Stories

Dan Patitucci
Running Up For Air
Running Up For Air
Running Up For Air

Eine Running Community wird aktiv, um etwas gegen die sinkende Luftqualität zu unternehmen.

Keeping Pace
Keeping Pace
Keeping Pace
Lisa Jhung

One runner gets her fix helping others chase their dreams, again and again.

8 Min. Lesezeit
Running Led Me Home
Running Led Me Home
Running Led Me Home
Vanessa Chavarriaga Posada

After years of trying to fit in with Western trail culture, one runner realizes that what she’s been missing lies in the Colombian mountains of her youth.

8 Min. Lesezeit
Breaking Trail for Clean Air
Breaking Trail for Clean Air
Breaking Trail for Clean Air
Ariella Carpenter

Running Up For Air is not a race. It’s a community, a gathering of friends and a fundraiser for clean-air advocacy.

7 Min. Lesezeit
A Matter of Breathing
A Matter of Breathing
A Matter of Breathing
Peyton Thomas

Running won’t solve the issue of wood pellet biomass pollution. But it can ignite community and conversation—and that’s a start.

8 Min. Lesezeit
Der 240-km-Test
Der 240-km-Test
Der 240-km-Test
Eric Noll

Ein erfahrener Forschungs- und Entwicklungsdesigner von Patagonia geht in die schwedischen Berge, um einen neuen Rucksack-Prototyp zu testen – und eine kühne Idee, wie man Mehrtagestouren neu denken kann.

10 Min. Lesezeit
Run for Something
Run for Something
Run for Something
Meaghen Brown

Footprints Running Camp is as much about finding solutions to the climate crisis as it is about running.

7 Min. Lesezeit
Auf der Suche nach Stille
Auf der Suche nach Stille
Auf der Suche nach Stille
Monica Prelle

Eine Läuferin erkundet, was es braucht, um Ruhe in der Welt und in unseren Köpfen zu finden.

5 Min. Lesezeit
Prayer Run for Oak Flat
Prayer Run for Oak Flat
Prayer Run for Oak Flat

Reflections on the 2022 Oak Flat Prayer Run, a gathering and a protest of a planned copper mine that could destroy this sacred site.

9 Min. Lesezeit
Run to the Source
Run to the Source
Run to the Source

Martin Johnson begibt sich auf seinen bislang schwersten Lauf und erforscht dabei die Verbindung zwischen der Geschichte der Schwarzen Brit:innen und der Themse.

Dark River Runs Deep
Dark River Runs Deep
Dark River Runs Deep
Martin Johnson & Michael Fordham

An attempt to set the fastest known time on the 184-mile path to the source of the River Thames.

7 Min. Lesezeit
Club Run
Club Run
Club Run
Anna Callaghan

The friends that make you want to run 100 miles.

10 Min. Lesezeit
Home Is an Open Place
Home Is an Open Place
Home Is an Open Place
Rio Lakeshore

How the trails beneath our feet help us belong.

6 Min. Lesezeit
Run to Be Visible
Run to Be Visible
Run to Be Visible

Lydia Jennings würdigt indigene Wissenschaftler:innen der Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft.

For the Land We Inhabit
For the Land We Inhabit
For the Land We Inhabit
Felipe Cancino

The communities of Cajón del Maipo, in Chile, are seeing their environment be threatened by an unnecessary hydroelectric project.

9 Min. Lesezeit
Corriendo para salvar una Cuenca (Run to Save a Watershed)
Corriendo para salvar una Cuenca (Run to Save a Watershed)
Corriendo para salvar una Cuenca (Run to Save a Watershed)

Der Trailrunner und Aktivist Felipe Cancino nimmt uns mit auf einen 120 km langen Lauf durch das Maipo-Fluss-Tal und zeigt dabei die Auswirkungen des Alto-Maipo-Wasserkraftprojekts auf das lokale Ökosystem, die dort lebenden Menschen und Traditionen sowie die Bedrohung für die Wasserversorgung der 7,1 Millionen Einwohner Santiagos.

A Clean Run in the City
A Clean Run in the City
A Clean Run in the City
Daisy Maddinson

Campaigning for clean air might be a marathon, but progress is finally being made for communities in UK city centers.

6 Min. Lesezeit
Running the Isle
Running the Isle
Running the Isle
Monica Prelle

Exploring one of the least visited but most revisited national parks, on foot.

10 Min. Lesezeit
Did You Ever Think?
Did You Ever Think?
Did You Ever Think?
Kim Strom

After a difficult year, a runner finds life anew in the Sierra.

10 Min. Lesezeit
Connecting the Cochamó and Puelo Valleys
Connecting the Cochamó and Puelo Valleys
Connecting the Cochamó and Puelo Valleys
Felipe Cancino

A dead-end dirt road is the start to a new challenge—and a fight to protect South America’s Yosemite.

6 Min. Lesezeit
Meaghen Brown

Words and wisdom from two Montana runners.

4 Min. Lesezeit

Die Rote Wüste im Südwesten Wyomings ist das größte nicht eingezäunte Gebiet auf dem amerikanischen Festland. Um das Bewusstsein für dieses bedrohte Ökosystem zu schärfen, haben sich mehrere Naturschutzgruppen aus Wyoming zusammengetan und einen Trail-Race organisiert, der Läufer:innen, lokale Interessenvertreter:innen und besorgte Bürger:innen zusammenbringt, um diesen Ort zu erleben und zu sehen was auf dem Spiel steht.

Some Boundaries Are Worth Preserving
Some Boundaries Are Worth Preserving
Some Boundaries Are Worth Preserving
Alex Falconer

Running through the most-visited wilderness in the continental United States, rallying to its defense.

8 Min. Lesezeit
Run the Red
Run the Red
Run the Red
Katie Klingsporn

A trail running race in southwest Wyoming brings attention to the importance of protecting the largest unfenced area in the contiguous United States.

8 Min. Lesezeit
Running to the Bottom of the World
Running to the Bottom of the World
Running to the Bottom of the World
Felipe Cancino

Exploring South America’s public lands on foot.

6 Min. Lesezeit
The Most Obvious Line
The Most Obvious Line
The Most Obvious Line
Luke Nelson

Luke Nelson's FKT on the Wasatch Ultimate Ridge Linkup.

5 Min. Lesezeit
Where Life Begins: Patagonia Ambassadors Explore the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Where Life Begins: Patagonia Ambassadors Explore the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Where Life Begins: Patagonia Ambassadors Explore the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Clare Gallagher


5 Min. Lesezeit
FFFKT (Fastest Fish Fourteener Known Time)
FFFKT (Fastest Fish Fourteener Known Time)
FFFKT (Fastest Fish Fourteener Known Time)
Jenn Shelton

Jenn Shelton traverses the Sierra High Route.

15 Min. Lesezeit
If You Love It, Run for It: Dispatch from the Inaugural Takayna Ultramarathon
If You Love It, Run for It: Dispatch from the Inaugural Takayna Ultramarathon
If You Love It, Run for It: Dispatch from the Inaugural Takayna Ultramarathon
Krissy Moehl

Krissy Moehl reports from the 2019 inaugural takayna ultramarathon “There are no footprints.” Fellow Patagonia ambassador and New Zealand native Grant Guise voiced what I was thinking. Our headlamps and phone lights dimly illuminated the overgrown double-track from Rebecca Road. “If 100 people are starting a race in five minutes, we would see footprints,” he…

14 Min. Lesezeit
Nose to the Wind
Nose to the Wind
Nose to the Wind
Steve House

Steve House joins forces with coach Scott Johnston and athlete Kílian Jornet to develop a comprehensive approach to finding the joy and the payoff of intense training. Even lunges. The wind had made its presence known all night, the tiny tent shaking off its layer of breath-turned-frost with each gust. The icy flakes settled, then…

6 Min. Lesezeit
Why Run
Why Run
Why Run
Meaghen Brown

Generations of a Diné family reflect on running.

7 Min. Lesezeit
Seven Recommendations for Trail Racing and Training
Seven Recommendations for Trail Racing and Training
Seven Recommendations for Trail Racing and Training
Kílian Jornet

Patagonia is thrilled to publish Steve House and Scott Johnston’s second training book, Training for the Uphill Athlete, for which they teamed up with world-class endurance athlete Kílian Jornet. This is an excerpt from the book, now available in Patagonia stores, on Patagonia.com, and at your favorite bookstore or online distributor. I race a lot:…

4 Min. Lesezeit
A Very Large, Long Group Run Through the Bob Marshall Wilderness
A Very Large, Long Group Run Through the Bob Marshall Wilderness
A Very Large, Long Group Run Through the Bob Marshall Wilderness
Meaghen Brown

For the slo-mo, bug-bitten, exhausted joy of really long runs. Time expands and compresses on long runs. Moments of navigation or extended discomfort can seem endless, while the landscape sifts by like a slow-moving picture. And then suddenly it’s been hours that slipped by without you noticing, except for the subtle changes in light and…

2 Min. Lesezeit

Warum wir laufen.

Home Run: How the Braford Family Connects by Foot
Home Run: How the Braford Family Connects by Foot
Home Run: How the Braford Family Connects by Foot
Meaghen Brown

Some families share religion, camping, lavish vacations, opera. Other families go running.

4 Min. Lesezeit

Hoch oben in den San Juan Mountains über Silverton, Colorado, durchstreift ein Läuferrudel die Gegend.


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