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Laxaþjóð | A Salmon Nation

Unsere Beziehung zur Natur definiert nicht nur unsere Geschichte, sondern prägt auch unsere Zukunft. Doch unter der Oberfläche der Fjorde Islands droht eine Methode der industriellen Fischzucht einen der letzten verbliebenen Orte der Wildnis in Europa zu zerstören. „Laxaþjóð | A Salmon Nation“ erzählt die Geschichte von Island, das durch sein Land und seine Gewässer vereint ist. Und von dem Einfluss einer Community, die diesen besonderen Ort und seine wilden Tiere schützen möchte, die entscheidend zu seiner Identität beigetragen haben.

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Um Produkthighlights, spannende Stories, Informationen über Aktivismus, Veranstaltungen und mehr zu erhalten.


Andrew Burr
Built from Scrap
Built from Scrap
Built from Scrap
Franco Calderón

In northern Chile, a desert is being scourged by the textile industry. But a resilient community is transforming a reality of waste into opportunity.

11 Min. Lesezeit
Strength for the Next Disaster
Strength for the Next Disaster
Strength for the Next Disaster
Zina Rodriguez

Louisiana community organizer Roishetta Ozane on her fight to stop the biggest fossil fuel expansion on earth and how mutual aid can play a part.

12 Min. Lesezeit
Let’s End Neighborhood Drilling for Good
Let’s End Neighborhood Drilling for Good
Let’s End Neighborhood Drilling for Good
Zina Rodriguez

Our next fight against Big Oil is for basic human rights.

5 Min. Lesezeit
Suing for Survival
Suing for Survival
Suing for Survival
Jann Eberharter

Do Skagit River salmon have legal rights?

6 Min. Lesezeit
A Better Way to Do Business
A Better Way to Do Business
A Better Way to Do Business

A conversation with Vincent Stanley, Patagonia’s director of philosophy and co-author of The Future of the Responsible Company: What We’ve Learned from Patagonia’s First 50 Years.

9 Min. Lesezeit
To My Bebito
To My Bebito
To My Bebito
Yessenia Funes

Climate and sustainability journalist Yessenia Funes writes to her future child—the one she hopes to have and has been afraid of bringing into our world.

6 Min. Lesezeit
Daughter of the Sea
Daughter of the Sea
Daughter of the Sea

Eine Frau, die mit einer psychischen Krise zu kämpfen hat, kehrt zu den Gewässern zurück, an denen sie aufgewachsen ist, und findet im Ozean Heilung.

Together as One
Together as One
Together as One
Ryan Stuart

In a small British Columbia mountain town, one woman is using trails to help heal wounds and bridge two communities.

11 Min. Lesezeit
Wild Life: love is a force of nature
Wild Life: love is a force of nature
Wild Life: love is a force of nature

A new film from good friends

Zum Trailer
An Honest Shot
An Honest Shot
An Honest Shot

Patagonia in the ‘70s through the lens of photographer Gary Regester.

3 Min. Lesezeit

Diese Frauen waren gezwungen, aus ihrer Heimat in Afghanistan zu fliehen. Jetzt hilft ihnen die Kletter-Community beim Aufbau einer neuen Heimat.

Episode 6: We Are the Water
Episode 6: We Are the Water
Episode 6: We Are the Water

Patagonia und Pop-Up Magazine Productions präsentieren eine Serie über Wissen.

Land of the Midnight Surf
Land of the Midnight Surf
Land of the Midnight Surf
Morgan Williamson

Inside Yakutat Surf Club’s budding stoke scene in Southeast Alaska.

14 Min. Lesezeit
We Are the Inlet
We Are the Inlet
We Are the Inlet
Nikki Sanchez

The women fighting for Southern Resident orcas.

9 Min. Lesezeit
Episode 4: Silence Isn’t Silent
Episode 4: Silence Isn’t Silent
Episode 4: Silence Isn’t Silent

Patagonia und Pop-Up Magazine Productions präsentieren eine Serie über Wissen.

Queering Climb Mentorship
Queering Climb Mentorship
Queering Climb Mentorship
Lor Sabourin & Madaleine Sorkin

A conversation between Lor Sabourin and Madaleine Sorkin.

13 Min. Lesezeit
Freedom through Fabric
Freedom through Fabric
Freedom through Fabric
Archana Ram

Why a symbol of Indian self-reliance is vital again.

6 Min. Lesezeit
The Collective Solution
The Collective Solution
The Collective Solution
Andrew O’Reilly

A former city kid finds answers and empowerment in nature.

4 Min. Lesezeit
Cleaning Up Chile’s Coast
Cleaning Up Chile’s Coast
Cleaning Up Chile’s Coast
Andrew O’Reilly

The South Pacific has a plastic problem. He had a truck.

5 Min. Lesezeit
The Last Takajo
The Last Takajo
The Last Takajo
Hironori Taniyama

The remarkable relationship between Hidetoshi Matsubara and his birds of prey.

7 Min. Lesezeit
Silence, Water, Hope
Silence, Water, Hope
Silence, Water, Hope
Andrew O’Reilly

Protecting the ocean is what friends are for.

5 Min. Lesezeit
Taking the Kids to Point Nemo
Taking the Kids to Point Nemo
Taking the Kids to Point Nemo
Somira Sao

When your goal is to raise children in wild places, it helps if you’re flexible.

9 Min. Lesezeit
Game Hawker
Game Hawker
Game Hawker

Shawn Hayes führt ein Leben voller Hingabe. Für ihn ist die Falknerei mehr als eine tiefe Partnerschaft mit Greifvögeln: Sie ist seine Lebensaufgabe.

Making the Oath
Making the Oath
Making the Oath

Teresa Baker, Pattie Gonia, José González and Gabaccia Moreno bring a new initiative to the outdoor community.

9 Min. Lesezeit
Andrew O’Reilly

Out of necessity, Jacqueline Sangueza loved fishing nets before she loved the ocean.

4 Min. Lesezeit
Life Lived Wild
Life Lived Wild
Life Lived Wild
Rick Ridgeway

Rolling Stone called him “the real Indiana Jones.” His new memoir reveals why our friend Rick was always a great deal more.

5 Min. Lesezeit
Don’t Forget Your Roots
Don’t Forget Your Roots
Don’t Forget Your Roots
Andrew O’Reilly

First-generation Vietnamese American Mai Nguyen follows in the footsteps of their agrarian ancestors with a farm that grows numerous types of grains with a no-till, anti-fertilizer regenerative approach.

6 Min. Lesezeit
Born to Fight
Born to Fight
Born to Fight
Andrew O’Reilly

The story of Naelyn Pike, a 21-year-old Chiricahua Apache, and her fight to keep sacred Apache land from becoming a copper mine.

7 Min. Lesezeit
Raising Kuba
Raising Kuba
Raising Kuba
Lauren Evans

Cydney Knapp and her husband, Bartek, knew they wanted to raise their kids to love the outdoors, so they learned how to navigate change and embraced the chaos.

4 Min. Lesezeit
Raised from Earth
Raised from Earth
Raised from Earth

Mit Blick auf die zimtfarbenen Canelo Hills in Southern Arizona gibt eine Mutter eine alte Pueblo-Tradition des natürlichen Lehmbaus an ihre drei Söhne weiter.

From the AT to NYC
From the AT to NYC
From the AT to NYC
Lauren Evans

How a mother’s own childhood experience on the Appalachian Trail shaped the way she teaches her four children to find nature in the heart of New York City.

5 Min. Lesezeit
Dispatch from Fairy Creek
Dispatch from Fairy Creek
Dispatch from Fairy Creek
Maia Wikler

Why a logging protest has become Canada’s largest act of civil disobedience.

12 Min. Lesezeit
Love Scaled Up
Love Scaled Up
Love Scaled Up
Lor Sabourin

Behind the film They/Them.

10 Min. Lesezeit
Higher Ground
Higher Ground
Higher Ground
Austin Siadak & Richelle Kimble

Discovering that climbing is for them.

6 Min. Lesezeit
Good Jeans
Good Jeans
Good Jeans
S. Mirk

What’s the secret to a really good pair of jeans? Comics journalist Sarah Mirk tells us what to look for and how to keep them in play longer.

2 Min. Lesezeit
The Place to Go Downhill
The Place to Go Downhill
The Place to Go Downhill
Korey Hopkins

A soldier finds solace on fat tires.

10 Min. Lesezeit

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