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Laxaþjóð | A Salmon Nation

Unsere Beziehung zur Natur definiert nicht nur unsere Geschichte, sondern prägt auch unsere Zukunft. Doch unter der Oberfläche der Fjorde Islands droht eine Methode der industriellen Fischzucht einen der letzten verbliebenen Orte der Wildnis in Europa zu zerstören. „Laxaþjóð | A Salmon Nation“ erzählt die Geschichte von Island, das durch sein Land und seine Gewässer vereint ist. Und von dem Einfluss einer Community, die diesen besonderen Ort und seine wilden Tiere schützen möchte, die entscheidend zu seiner Identität beigetragen haben.

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Um Produkthighlights, spannende Stories, Informationen über Aktivismus, Veranstaltungen und mehr zu erhalten.

Running Up For Air
Running Up For Air
Running Up For Air

Eine Running Community wird aktiv, um etwas gegen die sinkende Luftqualität zu unternehmen.

Running Led Me Home
Running Led Me Home
Running Led Me Home
Vanessa Chavarriaga Posada

After years of trying to fit in with Western trail culture, one runner realizes that what she’s been missing lies in the Colombian mountains of her youth.

8 Min. Lesezeit
For the Love of Dirt
For the Love of Dirt
For the Love of Dirt
Sakeus Bankson

Simplicity, style and lessons in bike jazz on Eastern Washington’s Beacon Hill. All photos by Ken Etzel If you get your nose close enough, ponderosa pine bark smells like vanilla. Or butterscotch, depending on the tree. Washington is famous for its pine trees. It’s portrayed as a land of constant water and ever-present green, which,…

3 Min. Lesezeit
The Wall as a Mirror
The Wall as a Mirror
The Wall as a Mirror
Sean Villanueva O’Driscoll

Giving failure a chance in Greenland.

7 Min. Lesezeit
The Wrong Green
The Wrong Green
The Wrong Green
Agustín Doña, Alan Salazar, Alexandera Houchin, Amelia Moulis, Amy Westervelt, Anne Stald Møllman, Ariella Carpenter, Ben Herndon, Beth Schiller, Bethany Sonsini Goodrich, Dan Crockett, Dan Milner, Ellen Bradley, Emilie Reuchlin, Jakob Kromann Groth, Manon Carpenter, Manuela Schirra and Fabrizio Giraldi, Thomas Rammelt & 仁井田本家

All dams are dirty. Efforts to make them better only make things worse.

7 Min. Lesezeit
Leave It to Beavers
Leave It to Beavers
Leave It to Beavers
Amanda Monthei

Renewing rivers one rodent at a time.

8 Min. Lesezeit
The Wave below the Sleeping Rabbit
The Wave below the Sleeping Rabbit
The Wave below the Sleeping Rabbit
Kyle Thiermann

Meet the man working to save Mexico’s Punta Conejo.

11 Min. Lesezeit
The Quest to Save 100 Waves in Peru
The Quest to Save 100 Waves in Peru
The Quest to Save 100 Waves in Peru
Bruno Monteferri

A friendship built between waves becomes a powerful alliance for the protection of surf breaks.

9 Min. Lesezeit
Breaking Trail for Clean Air
Breaking Trail for Clean Air
Breaking Trail for Clean Air
Ariella Carpenter

Running Up For Air is not a race. It’s a community, a gathering of friends and a fundraiser for clean-air advocacy.

7 Min. Lesezeit

Ein sturer, schottischer Schneefilm.

A Family of Five on the PCT
A Family of Five on the PCT
A Family of Five on the PCT
Marketa Daley

How one young family of five took on the Pacific Crest Trail. (Hint: There’s candy)

5 Min. Lesezeit
Suing for Survival
Suing for Survival
Suing for Survival
Jann Eberharter

Do Skagit River salmon have legal rights?

6 Min. Lesezeit
A Matter of Breathing
A Matter of Breathing
A Matter of Breathing
Peyton Thomas

Running won’t solve the issue of wood pellet biomass pollution. But it can ignite community and conversation—and that’s a start.

8 Min. Lesezeit
The Meaningless Pursuit of Snow
The Meaningless Pursuit of Snow
The Meaningless Pursuit of Snow

Eine Expedition ins Backcountry

What's a Climbing Road Trip Without a Car?
What's a Climbing Road Trip Without a Car?
What's a Climbing Road Trip Without a Car?
narinda heng

Taking California public transit from Oakland to Yosemite National Park, narinda heng wonders: What’s a climbing trip without a car?

7 Min. Lesezeit
Der 240-km-Test
Der 240-km-Test
Der 240-km-Test
Eric Noll

Ein erfahrener Forschungs- und Entwicklungsdesigner von Patagonia geht in die schwedischen Berge, um einen neuen Rucksack-Prototyp zu testen – und eine kühne Idee, wie man Mehrtagestouren neu denken kann.

10 Min. Lesezeit
Remember to Breathe
Remember to Breathe
Remember to Breathe
Greg Williams

In the wake of a devastating wildfire, the communities of California’s Lost Sierra look to trails for hope, healing and a dose of dirt magic.

4 Min. Lesezeit
Living on Easy
Living on Easy
Living on Easy
Gerry Lopez

A trip to Amami Ōshima, Japan, transports Gerry Lopez to a familiar feeling on a distant land.

7 Min. Lesezeit
What the Hands Do
What the Hands Do
What the Hands Do

Wie können wir mit Klettern die Welt so gestalten, wie wir sie uns wünschen?

Abundance and the January Swell Bender of 2023
Abundance and the January Swell Bender of 2023
Abundance and the January Swell Bender of 2023
Liam Wilmott

A captain’s log from the biggest swell to hit
O‘ahu’s outer reefs in recent memory.

16 Min. Lesezeit
If Nothing Changes, Everything Changes
If Nothing Changes, Everything Changes
If Nothing Changes, Everything Changes
Daniel Ritz

Those with the most to lose are uniting to save the Northwest’s salmon and steelhead.

13 Min. Lesezeit
Brittle Stars
Brittle Stars
Brittle Stars
Dan Crockett

A surfer’s relationship with our fragile, changing marine environment.

10 Min. Lesezeit
Together as One
Together as One
Together as One
Ryan Stuart

In a small British Columbia mountain town, one woman is using trails to help heal wounds and bridge two communities.

11 Min. Lesezeit
Dude, Where’s My Hatch?
Dude, Where’s My Hatch?
Dude, Where’s My Hatch?
Stephen Sautner

The decline of aquatic insects should bug everyone.

10 Min. Lesezeit
Josh Wharton

Hard alpinism in the Cordillera Huayhuash endures as the climate changes the routes.

4 Min. Lesezeit

Can’t stop. Won’t stop.

In the Tracks of Wolves
In the Tracks of Wolves
In the Tracks of Wolves
Dan Milner

Searching for Europe’s most infamous predator in the Italian Alps

11 Min. Lesezeit

Diese Frauen waren gezwungen, aus ihrer Heimat in Afghanistan zu fliehen. Jetzt hilft ihnen die Kletter-Community beim Aufbau einer neuen Heimat.

Afarin! Good Job!
Afarin! Good Job!
Afarin! Good Job!
Lauren DeLaunay Miller

For these Afghan women, climbing in Yosemite is a connection to home.

14 Min. Lesezeit
Run for Something
Run for Something
Run for Something
Meaghen Brown

Footprints Running Camp is as much about finding solutions to the climate crisis as it is about running.

7 Min. Lesezeit
Five Horses Deep
Five Horses Deep
Five Horses Deep

A hoof-and-human-powered ski film from Aotearoa New Zealand.

The Old-Fashioned Way
The Old-Fashioned Way
The Old-Fashioned Way
Layla Kerley

Photographic time travel with longtime Patagonia contributor Gary Bigham.

5 Min. Lesezeit
Remembering Allen Steck
Remembering Allen Steck
Remembering Allen Steck

A life full of great climbs with friends.

8 Min. Lesezeit
A Hog of a Swell Greets the Eddie
A Hog of a Swell Greets the Eddie
A Hog of a Swell Greets the Eddie
Morgan Williamson

Scenes from ground zero of the greatest surf event in seven years.

9 Min. Lesezeit
Legacy on the Muir
Legacy on the Muir
Legacy on the Muir
Max Buschini

TM Herbert helped put up the first ascent of the Muir Wall in 1965. His son followed in his footsteps 55 years later.

2 Min. Lesezeit
Lucas Isakowitz

Descending through Colombia’s coffee country, a crew of mountain bikers explores how climate change is impacting one of the world’s most cherished beverages and the lives of those who depend upon it.

16 Min. Lesezeit

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