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Laxaþjóð | A Salmon Nation

Unsere Beziehung zur Natur definiert nicht nur unsere Geschichte, sondern prägt auch unsere Zukunft. Doch unter der Oberfläche der Fjorde Islands droht eine Methode der industriellen Fischzucht einen der letzten verbliebenen Orte der Wildnis in Europa zu zerstören. „Laxaþjóð | A Salmon Nation“ erzählt die Geschichte von Island, das durch sein Land und seine Gewässer vereint ist. Und von dem Einfluss einer Community, die diesen besonderen Ort und seine wilden Tiere schützen möchte, die entscheidend zu seiner Identität beigetragen haben.

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Mountainbike Stories

Carl Zoch
Managed, Maintained, Manufactured
manon carpenter mountain biking uk
Managed, Maintained, Manufactured
Manon Carpenter

A mountain biker examines the true story behind the UK’s “natural" landscapes.

6 Min. Lesezeit
Remember to Breathe
Remember to Breathe
Remember to Breathe
Greg Williams

In the wake of a devastating wildfire, the communities of California’s Lost Sierra look to trails for hope, healing and a dose of dirt magic.

4 Min. Lesezeit
Together as One
Together as One
Together as One
Ryan Stuart

In a small British Columbia mountain town, one woman is using trails to help heal wounds and bridge two communities.

11 Min. Lesezeit
In the Tracks of Wolves
In the Tracks of Wolves
In the Tracks of Wolves
Dan Milner

Searching for Europe’s most infamous predator in the Italian Alps

11 Min. Lesezeit
Lucas Isakowitz

Descending through Colombia’s coffee country, a crew of mountain bikers explores how climate change is impacting one of the world’s most cherished beverages and the lives of those who depend upon it.

16 Min. Lesezeit
Ultralight Foolishness
Ultralight Foolishness
Ultralight Foolishness
Will Cadham

Delusional optimism and alpine immersion in British Columbia’s South Chilcotin Mountains.

9 Min. Lesezeit
Roscoe’s Last Ride
Roscoe’s Last Ride
Roscoe’s Last Ride
Lacy Kemp

Grappling with her aging trail dog’s declining health, a mountain biker decides to give her furry best friend one last dose of singletrack.

7 Min. Lesezeit
In Relation to All Things
In Relation to All Things
In Relation to All Things
Alexandera Houchin

In learning her ancestral language, one mountain biker finds a different way to relate to the world, herself and her community—and ride her bike.

6 Min. Lesezeit
North Shore Betty
North Shore Betty
North Shore Betty
Darcy Hennessey Turenne

After nearly 30 years on the hallowed trails of southern British Columbia, Betty Birrell still thinks life is one big playground—and that you’re never too old to send.

9 Min. Lesezeit
The Pisgah Paradox
The Pisgah Paradox
The Pisgah Paradox
Kristian Jackson

In North Carolina’s Pisgah National Forest, a collaboration between anglers and mountain bikers uses better trails to create healthier rivers.

10 Min. Lesezeit
The Writing on the Wall
The Writing on the Wall
The Writing on the Wall
Leilani Bruntz

In a tiny Colorado ski town, the world’s oldest mountain-bike club is facing the complicated reality of recreation gone right.

10 Min. Lesezeit
Spare Parts
Spare Parts
Spare Parts
Sakeus Bankson

A gift of mud and love and neglect.

5 Min. Lesezeit
Moments of Flow
Moments of Flow
Moments of Flow
Kristian Jackson

The psychology of the perfect ride.

7 Min. Lesezeit
It’s a Magical World
It’s a Magical World
It’s a Magical World
Ryan Dunfee

Rolling through a full-scale sensory rebellion in New England.

5 Min. Lesezeit
Larch Love
Larch Love
Larch Love
Colin Wiseman

An ode to Larix lyallii.

5 Min. Lesezeit
The Place to Go Downhill
The Place to Go Downhill
The Place to Go Downhill
Korey Hopkins

A soldier finds solace on fat tires.

10 Min. Lesezeit
Trails for Everybody
Trails for Everybody
Trails for Everybody
Teal Stetson-Lee

An interview with Gabo Benoit, trail advocate and mountain-bike mayor of Coyhaique, Chile.

19 Min. Lesezeit
Water Always Wins
Water Always Wins
Water Always Wins
Kristian Jackson

A lesson in the rules of trail building.

6 Min. Lesezeit
A Swamp and 60 Feet
A Swamp and 60 Feet
A Swamp and 60 Feet
Sakeus Bankson

An unlikely community, in the most unlikely location, has become an even more unlikely force for public lands conservation.

10 Min. Lesezeit
All Trails Belong to Mother Earth
All Trails Belong to Mother Earth
All Trails Belong to Mother Earth
Renee Hutchens

Following in Indigenous Footsteps on the Ute Pass Trail.

7 Min. Lesezeit
A Leadership Supreme
A Leadership Supreme
A Leadership Supreme
Brooklyn Bell

The mountain-biking star of Becoming Ruby seeks out some of skiing's most powerful females.

3 Min. Lesezeit
Moving the Needle
Moving the Needle
Moving the Needle
Matt Coté

As editor of the world’s largest mountain bike magazine, Nicole Formosa showed her audience the world’s largest issues—and revealed the sport’s resistance to confronting them.

6 Min. Lesezeit
At the River’s Edge
At the River’s Edge
At the River’s Edge
Julie Huang Tucker

How one suburban mountain biker’s vision for a trail system reshaped a former industrial town—and turned trail building into a family tradition.

6 Min. Lesezeit
Best of Home, Volume 2: Cougar Ridge
Best of Home, Volume 2: Cougar Ridge
Best of Home, Volume 2: Cougar Ridge
Colin Wiseman

In the second installment of our “Best of Home” series, photographer, writer and editor Colin Wiseman takes us to Washington State’s gloomy, fern-filled Whatcom County for a signature Pacific Northwest ride.

3 Min. Lesezeit
Best of Home, Volume 1: Backbone Trail
Best of Home, Volume 1: Backbone Trail
Best of Home, Volume 1: Backbone Trail
Kyle Sparks

Photo editor Kyle Sparks kicks off our new social media series, “Best of Home,” documenting the everyday, out-the-back-door trails that mountain biking depends on.

3 Min. Lesezeit
The Myth of the Great Bike Savior
The Myth of the Great Bike Savior
The Myth of the Great Bike Savior
Patrick Lucas

Outdoor recreation can be a lifeline for local economies, but the industry has also benefited from the erasure of Indigenous peoples from their lands.

9 Min. Lesezeit
Why Wilderness Matters More Than You
Why Wilderness Matters More Than You
Why Wilderness Matters More Than You
Michael Ferrentino

BIKE Magazine contributing editor Michael Ferrentino on our perceived right to ride wherever we want.

6 Min. Lesezeit
Amidst the Mustard
Amidst the Mustard
Amidst the Mustard
Dillon Osleger

Battling invasive species through better trailbuilding.

5 Min. Lesezeit
A Pedal Through the Prairie
A Pedal Through the Prairie
A Pedal Through the Prairie
Joel Caldwell

A bikepacking expedition inspired by one of North America’s most iconic landscapes, and the American Prairie Reserve’s audacious effort to restore it.

15 Min. Lesezeit
On Trail and Off the Map
On Trail and Off the Map
On Trail and Off the Map
Max Wittenberg

In Coyhaique, Chile, the ghosts of resource extraction may offer a path toward a new recreation-based future.

6 Min. Lesezeit
New Roads in the Ancient Kingdom of Zanskar
New Roads in the Ancient Kingdom of Zanskar
New Roads in the Ancient Kingdom of Zanskar
Mary McIntyre

Perched in the Himalaya and once accessible only by trail, India’s Zanskar region has remained largely free of Western influences for over 2,000 years. That could all change as a new highway brings a wave of instant globalization.

4 Min. Lesezeit
Right Where I Belong
Right Where I Belong
Right Where I Belong
Eric Arce

“That comfort, the ability to feel like you’re not stepping outside of some boundary; It’s not like, ‘Do I belong here?’ No, this is where I’m supposed to be.”

9 Min. Lesezeit
Vince Anderson Q&A
Vince Anderson Q&A
Vince Anderson Q&A
Jesse Selwyn

When Vince Anderson took a break from alpine climbing, his mountaineering attitude manifested itself in a single-speed hardtail, on which he’s won some of the sport’s most grueling races.

13 Min. Lesezeit
Saving Slickrock
Saving Slickrock
Saving Slickrock
Sakeus Bankson

The Slickrock Trail, in Moab, Utah, is one of the most popular mountain bike rides in the world. Now, under a recent BLM decision, it could also be opening to oil and gas drilling.

6 Min. Lesezeit
It Takes All Kinds: Horses and Bikes in the Washington Backcountry
It Takes All Kinds: Horses and Bikes in the Washington Backcountry
It Takes All Kinds: Horses and Bikes in the Washington Backcountry
Danielle Baker

The Trans-Cascadia has become one of the Pacific Northwest’s most notorious races. This past August, the Back Country Horsemen of Washington joined the Trans-Cascadia team—a first for all involved.

6 Min. Lesezeit
What Good Neighbors Do
What Good Neighbors Do
What Good Neighbors Do
Sakeus Bankson

In the 1980s, a group of cyclists in Washington banded together to protect their local trails from illicit activities; 30 years later, that momentum has reshaped the city and preserved a watershed.

13 Min. Lesezeit

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