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Laxaþjóð | A Salmon Nation

Unsere Beziehung zur Natur definiert nicht nur unsere Geschichte, sondern prägt auch unsere Zukunft. Doch unter der Oberfläche der Fjorde Islands droht eine Methode der industriellen Fischzucht einen der letzten verbliebenen Orte der Wildnis in Europa zu zerstören. „Laxaþjóð | A Salmon Nation“ erzählt die Geschichte von Island, das durch sein Land und seine Gewässer vereint ist. Und von dem Einfluss einer Community, die diesen besonderen Ort und seine wilden Tiere schützen möchte, die entscheidend zu seiner Identität beigetragen haben.

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Um Produkthighlights, spannende Stories, Informationen über Aktivismus, Veranstaltungen und mehr zu erhalten.

Built from Scrap
Built from Scrap
Built from Scrap
Franco Calderón

In northern Chile, a desert is being scourged by the textile industry. But a resilient community is transforming a reality of waste into opportunity.

11 Min. Lesezeit
Running Led Me Home
Running Led Me Home
Running Led Me Home
Vanessa Chavarriaga Posada

After years of trying to fit in with Western trail culture, one runner realizes that what she’s been missing lies in the Colombian mountains of her youth.

8 Min. Lesezeit
Where to Find Hope on Climate
Where to Find Hope on Climate
Where to Find Hope on Climate
Brad Wieners

Introducing Home Planet Fund, an independent nonprofit that supports local and Indigenous communities who work in concert with nature to stop climate breakdown.

5 Min. Lesezeit
The Shitthropocene
The Shitthropocene
The Shitthropocene

Willkommen im Zeitalter von billigem Schrott.

Running Up For Air
Running Up For Air
Running Up For Air

Eine Running Community wird aktiv, um etwas gegen die sinkende Luftqualität zu unternehmen.

For the Love of Dirt
For the Love of Dirt
For the Love of Dirt
Sakeus Bankson

Simplicity, style and lessons in bike jazz on Eastern Washington’s Beacon Hill. All photos by Ken Etzel If you get your nose close enough, ponderosa pine bark smells like vanilla. Or butterscotch, depending on the tree. Washington is famous for its pine trees. It’s portrayed as a land of constant water and ever-present green, which,…

3 Min. Lesezeit
The Wrong Green
The Wrong Green
The Wrong Green
Agustín Doña, Alan Salazar, Alexandera Houchin, Amelia Moulis, Amy Westervelt, Anne Stald Møllman, Ariella Carpenter, Ben Herndon, Beth Schiller, Bethany Sonsini Goodrich, Dan Crockett, Dan Milner, Ellen Bradley, Emilie Reuchlin, Jakob Kromann Groth, Manon Carpenter, Manuela Schirra and Fabrizio Giraldi, Thomas Rammelt & 仁井田本家

All dams are dirty. Efforts to make them better only make things worse.

7 Min. Lesezeit

Amy Bowers Cordalis and the fight to free the Klamath.

Leave It to Beavers
Leave It to Beavers
Leave It to Beavers
Amanda Monthei

Renewing rivers one rodent at a time.

8 Min. Lesezeit
Strength for the Next Disaster
Strength for the Next Disaster
Strength for the Next Disaster
Zina Rodriguez

Louisiana community organizer Roishetta Ozane on her fight to stop the biggest fossil fuel expansion on earth and how mutual aid can play a part.

12 Min. Lesezeit
Laxaþjóð | A Salmon Nation
Laxaþjóð | A Salmon Nation
Laxaþjóð | A Salmon Nation

A country, a community, and a wild future under threat.

The Wave below the Sleeping Rabbit
The Wave below the Sleeping Rabbit
The Wave below the Sleeping Rabbit
Kyle Thiermann

Meet the man working to save Mexico’s Punta Conejo.

11 Min. Lesezeit
The Quest to Save 100 Waves in Peru
The Quest to Save 100 Waves in Peru
The Quest to Save 100 Waves in Peru
Bruno Monteferri

A friendship built between waves becomes a powerful alliance for the protection of surf breaks.

9 Min. Lesezeit
Let’s End Neighborhood Drilling for Good
Let’s End Neighborhood Drilling for Good
Let’s End Neighborhood Drilling for Good
Zina Rodriguez

Our next fight against Big Oil is for basic human rights.

5 Min. Lesezeit
Breaking Trail for Clean Air
Breaking Trail for Clean Air
Breaking Trail for Clean Air
Ariella Carpenter

Running Up For Air is not a race. It’s a community, a gathering of friends and a fundraiser for clean-air advocacy.

7 Min. Lesezeit
Suing for Survival
Suing for Survival
Suing for Survival
Jann Eberharter

Do Skagit River salmon have legal rights?

6 Min. Lesezeit
Liebe Erde,
Liebe Erde,
Liebe Erde,

Wir haben noch viel zu tun, aber wir arbeiten daran.

3 Min. Lesezeit
What the Hands Do
What the Hands Do
What the Hands Do

Wie können wir mit Klettern die Welt so gestalten, wie wir sie uns wünschen?

Toward an End to Microfiber Pollution
Toward an End to Microfiber Pollution
Toward an End to Microfiber Pollution
Vincent Stanley

Since we first learned of the role we play in the spread of microfiber pollution in 2015, Patagonia has actively searched for partners to help end—or at least seriously curtail—the spread of synthetic fiber waste into the air and water. We’ve long been familiar with the microplastics problem—the breakdown of plastic bottles, yogurt cups and…

4 Min. Lesezeit
To My Bebito
To My Bebito
To My Bebito
Yessenia Funes

Climate and sustainability journalist Yessenia Funes writes to her future child—the one she hopes to have and has been afraid of bringing into our world.

6 Min. Lesezeit
Justice for the Dogger Bank
Justice for the Dogger Bank
Justice for the Dogger Bank
Emilie Reuchlin & Thomas Rammelt

After centuries of destruction, nature needs to come first

10 Min. Lesezeit
A Sea of Opportunity
A Sea of Opportunity
A Sea of Opportunity
Anne Stald Møllman & Jakob Kromann Groth

How marine food production and thriving blue ecosystems go hand in hand.

6 Min. Lesezeit
Brittle Stars
Brittle Stars
Brittle Stars
Dan Crockett

A surfer’s relationship with our fragile, changing marine environment.

10 Min. Lesezeit
For the Love of the Sea
For the Love of the Sea
For the Love of the Sea

Eine wirkungsvolle Lösung für die Klimakrise liegt direkt unter der Meeresoberfläche.

Madre Mar
Madre Mar
Madre Mar

Lerne die Geschichte der Frauen kennen, die in Portugal gegen Grundschleppnetzfischerei kämpfen und sich für die Renaturierung von Seegraswiesen einsetzen.

L’arte dell’attivismo
L’arte dell’attivismo
L’arte dell’attivismo

Im Kampf gegen die Grundschleppnetze, die sein geliebtes Mittelmeer zerstören, realisiert ein italienischer Fischer, dass Kunst die stärkste Form des Protests sein kann.

The Custodians
The Custodians
The Custodians

Angesichts der abnehmenden Fischbestände ergriff eine Gruppe von Menschen in Schottland die Initiative – Seegraswiese für Seegraswiese.


Die Rettung von Südkoreas vergessenen Unterwasserwäldern ist nicht nur eine Verpflichtung. Für Mr. Ji ist es eine Berufung. 

Hot Pink Dolphins
Hot Pink Dolphins
Hot Pink Dolphins

Eine Bedrohung für Delfine ist eine Bedrohung für uns.

Corazón Salado
Corazón Salado
Corazón Salado

Ramón Navarro begleitet das Kawesqar-Volk auf einer Reise zum Schutz ihrer angestammten Gewässer im chilenischen Patagonien.

Our Hero
Our Hero
Our Hero
Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson

Trying to address the climate crisis without the ocean will not work.

11 Min. Lesezeit
What Is the Future of Dams in a Hot, Chaotic World?
What Is the Future of Dams in a Hot, Chaotic World?
What Is the Future of Dams in a Hot, Chaotic World?
Steven Hawley

An excerpt from Steven Hawley’s book about dirty dams—and their methane problem.

4 Min. Lesezeit
Nothing Wasted
Nothing Wasted
Nothing Wasted
Denis Tuzinovic

The virtue of sniffing scat.

3 Min. Lesezeit
Victory for the Boundary Waters
Victory for the Boundary Waters
Victory for the Boundary Waters
Nate Ptacek

A Patagonia employee celebrates a huge environmental win for his beloved home waters.

4 Min. Lesezeit
Wild Life: love is a force of nature
Wild Life: love is a force of nature
Wild Life: love is a force of nature

A new film from good friends

Zum Trailer
In Solidarity with the Future
In Solidarity with the Future
In Solidarity with the Future
ニーナ・リジオ & レベッカ・ソルニット

Even when the demands of a protest are not met, it can have lasting, immeasurable consequences.

9 Min. Lesezeit

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